When You Need the Right Results.

First Time.

Providing Integrated Technical, Commercial, Organization and ESG Services to the Energy Industry

When You Need the Right Results.

First Time.

Providing Integrated Technical, Commercial, Organization and ESG Services to the Energy Industry

Integrated Services

Trewan Limited

Perspective & Experience

In an industry in perpetual flux, driven by the ever-present need to balance business profitability with social and environmental responsibilities, innovative solutions are a necessity. Trewan delivers integrated services and is your industry partner of choice.

A player in the energy sector, Trewan Oil has established a strong foothold in delivering significant, value-adding, contributions to industry players.

Adding Value

Your success is our ultimate accomplishment. Our core principles and strong mission shape our efforts to unlock greater value for you. Call us today.

Trewan Limited

What We Do

Trewan provides professional end-to-end, integrated Technical, Commercial, and Organizational/ Sustainability consultancy services geared to unlocking greater value in your energy industry operations.

Subsurface Engineering
& Geo-Sciences

Surface Facilities
Engineering & Optimization

Commercial &
Financial Expertise

Organizational Effectiveness
and Capacity Development

Social Performance and Sustainability

Project Engineering and Project Management

Why Choose Us

Trewan’s Commercial and Financial Services offer:

  • A quantitative and risked based approach to project commerciality evaluation
  • Skilled and experienced resources for the timely delivery of the accurate solution
  • Certitude, rather than uncertainty, in your financial decisions

Trewan is your partner in defining strategic decisions that focus on desired results while ensuring the assessment of uncertainties. We also inculcate excellence in the execution of strategy through alignment, motivation, and inspiration of the people involved.

Trewan Limited